At Q Estate Agents we have spent a lot of time thinking and making changes to the way we operate to ensure are doing our part to help and protect the planet.
We are proud to have now partnered with Green the UK who will be supporting us as we continue to implement changes and progress towards being completely net zero.
Our first project towards reaching these goals in 2022 is our partnership with the Royal Forestry Society who believe in creating a greener future and sharing the knowledge needed to support this through the generations.
We will be planting ten trees for every property sold through us over the next year.

Already in the office we make a continuous effort to be paperless wherever possible. Any paper that is in the office along with any marketing materials created will be FSC certified meaning it has been produced in a responsible manner. Along with this we currently we have four company cars with three of them being electric. Once our current lease agreement is finished, we will be solely reliant on electric cars.
We will be continuing to publish our steps and progress throughout the year on our journey to net zero so make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter to stay up to date on our blogs.