Should we strive to save our local pubs

Apparently there are more breweries than ever, there’s more choice of beer, and yet pubs are still closing. Should we be striving to save them?

On the BBC website our eyes were drawn to picture of the old London Unity pub on the corner of Hanover Terrace and Islingword Road. The pub is sadly no more having been converted to two houses a couple of years ago. It was a pub we used to pop into fairly regularly, a traditional Brighton boozer tucked away off the main strip serving traditional Harveys ale and serving curry’s. We liked it, but it was rarely full and that was ultimately its problem. Across Brighton and Hove (and the whole country) pubs are closing to make way for development opportunities and we mourn their loss – and in some instances campaign for their survival. But the truth is, if we want to save them we need to drink in them.

Read the BBC article here

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